Shanghai City Girl’s main aim is to help girls and women coming to this city enjoy it to the full in the most glamorous way possible, without spending too much money at the same time. But I also want to promote and show my support for all those amazing, creative women making this city more beautiful through their artistic work. And one of the outstanding examples is my extremely talented friend, Ai Fujino. Ai started painting when she was still in high school, but she significantly enlarged her oeuvre just a few months ago and to us, girls , the reason won’t be surprising at all – because of a breakup. I bet most of us will agree that men do act strange in many cases and I will never understand why they let go the most fantastic, special women, but sooner or later we realize they just do them a favor by inspiring them to create something so breathtaking as Ai’s pieces of unique art and obviously meeting the right men who deserve such wonderful girls Here are a few pieces of Ai’s art and actually my Shanghai City Girl’s profile picture is also a result of her work, ‘tailor made’ for me You can find more of her impressive pieces on Instagram :ai_fujino