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The fact that I am crazy about healthy life style and healthy food is obvious to my friends and anyone who gets to know me will soon realize this fact. I simply follow this ‘philosophy’ – YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT – it will show in your skin, hair, nails, and generally in your well being. That’s why I never save money on food and don’t even approach cheap street food stands in China. Usually, if you want to eat better quality food, you need to be ready to fork over a bit more. HOWEVER, life can be full of surprises. When my friend Shanghai Hunter, invited me to join him for brunch at newly opened, ‘healthy fast-food’ restaurant – WATZZ – in 999 Wuding Road , I was really excited and turned out that what I found there, exceeded my expectations. And with my high demands, it is not an easy thing to do. WATTZ offers overwhelmingly big variety of healthy dishes, salads and drinks. Believe me – I am ultimately fussy eater and my stomach is really sensitive. What I look for at healthy restaurants are meals that meet this ‘tall order’ – must be filling, delicious , providing me with a considerable amount of vitamins and nutrients, colorful and preferably not devastating my wallet. Sounds impossible? Guess what! WATZZ beautifully meets my requirements and is totally ‘budget friendly’ – you won’t spend more than 100 RMB for a REALLY rich, ultimately healthy brunch. Their offer impressed me BIG time and I will definitely ‘cheat’ on my beloved French concession from time to time to pamper my palate with scrumptious morsels from WATZZ.

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