I remember when I first heard about ‘developing’ China – actually first time I ever heard ANYTHING about China ‘first hand’ from someone who had been there. It was my second year of university, year 2003, and I had to attend some boring, mandatory lecture. And it would have probably fallen into oblivion for me, if it hadn't been for one girl. It was summer so we all were more into our vacation plans and how to take advantage of the 3 - month break than interested in some waffling professor. And that girl ‘changed the game’! She impressed all of us with her story about going to China for a few months to teach and travel. And my jaw was dropping lower and lower as I was hearing how she got cured ( actually ‘reborn’ ) by a local Chinese doctor who applied drip containing animal parts (just picture all the fairy tales with witches and their big, black pots – this is how she described it) and….chicken feet as a snack available at every corner. WHAAAAT??! – eating CHICKEN FEET?! 11 years later I came to China myself. I saw that with my own eyes. Yes, people were devouring chicken feet. I am totally into food adventures and tried all kinds of stuff that makes some people run into different direction, like snails, frogs. However, chicken feet had not been a part of my Chinese menu until I came to Shanghai. I consider myself extremely lucky, because I ended up as an au – pair at my wonderful Chinese host mum Coco’s house. She pays meticulous attention to food and knows A HUGE deal about the benefits of all Chinese dishes.And she managed to convince me to try 'those gross chicken feet'! Coco’s winning arguments? Besides the fact that they are surprisingly delicious, they have ANTI AGING benefits as they RICH SOURCE OF COLLAGEN. So hard to believe? Well, then look at Chinese women. Not even the rich ones. You really need to make some effort to find a lot of middle aged Chinese women with wrinkles. But if that is not enough, here’s why the collagen – packed chicken feet are worth every bite: • They are rich in calcium and protein without carbohydrate • Improve blood supply by strengthening blood vessels • Assist the body to metabolize fats • Slow the effect of arthritis And guess what?! They are super cheap! A few big pieces might cost between 10 – 15 RMB! I know they look appalling. But challenge yourselves! Get out of your comfort zones and give chicken feet a try! Even if you need to close your eyes with the first bite, but your skin and body will be delighted!