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When I was in my teens and reached that age when girls care more about their reflection in the mirror more than about Christmas or birthday presents ( which is usually around the age of 13 ) , I decided my complexion was far from perfect. First of all because I had ( and still have ) freckles and all those mission statements like ‘Being different is beautiful’ were not as ubiquitous as they are today. And I was waking up every day , hoping that maybe my freckles that I couldn’t embrace, disappeared . Secondly, I thought my skin color was too light. So I became one of those girls who experimented with make up a little bit..too much and the result was tragicomic. I would put too dark foundation that made me look like I had an orange mask. I wish I still had some pictures from that time with me, but maybe it’s better I don’t. Fortunately, as I was growing up and started travelling around the world, I was gaining more and more confidence and gathering the invaluable knowledge about skin care ( and I got to love my freckles as well wink emoticon ) . Nowadays I don’t use foundation at all, and I don’t even remember the last time I applied it. Instead, I am following my friend – Ana’s ( who is my make up guru) advice – no foundation, just natural treatment for flawless skin. As you have already read here, I usually like to try all kinds of natural products for my DIY masks. And because last Saturday’s weather succeeded in keeping me at home almost all day, I made a new ‘experiment’.I brought a bag of PEARL POWDER from Sanya – and this is a great souvenir you can get there. You can find it in many places there and it is quite cheap, with prices starting with 20 RMB for a small bag. I used : 2 table spoons of pearl powder, a small piece of aloe vera flesh, a spoon of youghurt, a spoon of coconut oil, a few drops of honey and a spoon of my avocado – mango – papaya smoothie. I mixed all the ingredients with a fork ( but maybe it’s better to mix them in a food processor actually ).After a massaged my face and neck with a peeling and washing it off, I put on the the ‘paste’ and kept for about 20 minutes. After that time pearl powder starts getting ‘dry’ and flaky. Then it is time to wash it off with warm water. Skin feels smooth and full of moisture, but I still apply a bit of my favorite LALU 100% natural, rejuvenating cream ( which deserves a separate post and it will soon come!) and after that combination I couldn’t love my skin more. It is surprising but now my skin looks even better than when I was younger. Or maybe it should not really be surprising, because now I am more aware of how to treat it and because of my healthy diet combined with the treatments. It is not difficult or complicated, just needs practice and consistency and you will wake up to see almost flawless skin in the mirror every day. And one more important thing – the spring is here, don’t forget to use sunscreen DAILY! And what kind of DIY beauty treatments do you use? I will be more than happy to hear some new ideas!

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