Where are you from and why did you decide to come to Shanghai?
I’m French and I first came to Shanghai as an exchange student. One of my best friends back home had come one year before that and she had the feeling I would love it here. She pushed me to sign in and I decided to trust her. And she was definitely right!
How long have you been here and what made you stay all this time?
I’ve been living here for eight years. I was supposed to stay less than a year: Four months in college then six months as an intern. After a couple of months I knew that I wouldn’t go back after my internship. I was very happy with all responsibilities I had as a “simple” intern and I had the feeling that my career would grow much faster here than in France.
Did you come here alone?
Yes and No. I came alone but when I decided to stay I asked my boyfriend to come and give it a try too. I was lucky he said yes: we’ve been married for almost 7 years and we have a beautiful son together.
How has your career here been developing? How did you start and what are you doing now?
Quite well I think. I always wanted to have my own business but it was important for me to: 1- wait for the good idea (the one that would keep me excited) and 2- acquire as much experience as possible before starting. I worked for 2 ecommerce websites in almost all the departments (product development, marketing, customer service, logistics…). I think this is what gave me the confidence to launch my company, and start GLAMOURLAB.
Do you think it is easy for a woman to develop her career here or is it better back in France? How would you compare it in these two countries?
I never worked in France because I didn’t go back after my graduation but I really think it’s easier here. For example, in France, I know that for a same position, a women’s salary will be lower than a men’s. I also feel that you would be judged by your degree (or even your school) rather than on your achievements. In Shanghai, it’s easier to find people willing to trust and that’s probably why you can find so many successful young women here.
Everyone has at least one ‘crazy China story’ – what is yours?
I was really pregnant – more than 7 months - I had a bad mosquito bite and I wanted to buy alcohol to treat it. I was desperately trying to explain that to lady in the pharmacy: she gave me condoms, then the pill and to finish a pregnancy test. I went back to work without the alcohol I needed but with a great story for my colleagues to hear!
You are a mom – and I am sure there are a lot of young moms here or moms – to be, who would love to hear how has it been for you? How was it with finding the right gynecologist who would ‘lead you through’ ?
My colleague was pregnant at the same time as I was. She did all the research and decided to go to the American Sino Hospital. It was just 5 minutes from my home so I decided to join to.
Overall, it went quite well: I had an easy pregnancy and I felt happy with the medical care I received.
My sister being a gynecologist in France, I wanted her to give birth to my baby. I went back home for 2 months and a half and I was lucky to share this unique moment with her and the rest of my family.
How was it after you gave birth – is having your baby in China just as you would have it back in France or did anything ‘unexpected happen – by this I mean when it came to finding all the products for care, clothes, food, healthcare?
At the beginning, I was a little bit scared to come back to Shanghai but I soon realized it was much easier to raise a kid here. Of course I miss my family and it’s even harder since I now have a son. But I have the greatest ayi and I can completely rely on her to take care of my son and my home. Thanks to her, I can focus on work when I need it and spend quality time with my son when I’m not working. As for finding “baby products”, it depends what we are talking about. For clothes and toys, I buy them on Taobao, you can find many foreign brands and the prices are very decent. For care, I bring most products back from France, I could almost open a shop by now! For healthcare, we have a good insurance and it’s easy to find good English speaking pediatricians in Shanghai. As for the food, I try to buy organic products as much as I can and I try not to be paranoid the rest of the time…
Your son is 2 and a half now - does he attend Chinese or French kindergarten? Can he speak Chinese already?
He understands both French and Chinese. However, he’s just starting to speak and it’s mostly Chinese! We are very happy about it and it’s funny to hear him (particularly when he uses typical Chinese expressions like “ayooo”). However, we chose a French kindergarten for September because it’s important for us that French stays (becomes?) his mother tongue.
Do you think China is safe for women who just had babies?
I may be overconfident in saying so but I don’t see what could go wrong. Also, in eight years in China I never heard something bad happening to a young mom.
Do you have any advice for other young moms or those who are planning to be mums here in China?
Don’t overthink it and try to meet with other moms. They will help you put things in perspective and focus on the good. If you are unlucky and fall on a Shanghai hater, RUN!
After a break you decided to resume your career – how did you do it and was it difficult?
The first couple of weeks, I would feel guilty to leave my son with a “stranger” and at night I would be rushing back home to see him. But, I also felt like my job played an important role in my psychological balance. My position had been waiting for me and I was happy to go back to “adult’s conversations”.
How do you combine being a mum with your work?
I am definitely not your typical housewife but I still want to cook for my family myself. I try to decide in advance what I will cook during the week and I go run my errands accordingly over the weekend. I also ask ayi to cut the meat and prepare the vegetables to save me time. For the rest, it’s a day to day thing: I just try my best to make everybody happy.
Do you think every woman, after having a baby, has equal possibility to resume her career? What do you think it depends on?
I don’t know exactly what made me go back to work but I don’t feel more capable because I did. In a way, I’m a little bit jealous of stay at home moms because I know I’m missing out some important moments in my son’s life. On the other hand, I want to have a life full of opportunities and I have to work for it.
Can you tell me something more about your company – GLAMOURLAB – how did you come up with this idea and what is it?
I recently realized that after having my baby, I didn’t pay attention to my appearance and my well-being. Between work and my new family, I was in a sort of a swirl and I simply didn’t have time to think about my clothes, my makeup, my social life… I know I’m not the only one in this situation and I decided to create GLAMOURLAB for me but also for other women in the same situation.
Every 2 months, we chose a secret place and we organize beauty afternoon teas. We invite beauty experts, fashion advisers, relaxation specialists… and we ask them to design specific workshops for these busy professionals and devoted moms. I like to think of it as an “oasis of selfishness” and I hope our guests leave with useful tips and a new desire to take care of themselves. This is what keeps our “beautiful workshops” going!
For more information about our concept, you can visit our website: http://glamourlab.cn
How is It to start your own business in China and make it work comparing with Europe?
In Shanghai, entrepreneurship is a norm. My ex-bosses, my friends, my friend’s friend, I have so many inspiring examples around me. I feel safe doing it here because there is always someone I can turn to for advice and support. It is a very exciting experience, especially when you know what drives you.
How would you summarize your life here in China in one sentence?
A life full of surprises and challenges.
Do you think there is any recipe for being a successful woman - not only in China, Shanghai but in general? By this I mean having a happy family and a constantly developing career at the same time?
I don’t think there is a universal recipe and I wouldn’t feel comfortable lecturing other women about how to lead their careers or families. Working mom or stay at home mom, as long as you are happy you have found the right recipe!
Last but not least - when can we attend the next GLAMOURLAB event?
Last week of September, just before the October holidays! For details and booking, check http://www.glamourlab.cn/