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Our life, especially in Shanghai, is getting so hectic, that we forget to just stop and breathe. And feel grateful to be simply alive. On Friday we usually feel exhausted from the whole working week and on Sunday we are recovering from the party that was supposed to help us…recover from work- related weariness. And the vicious circle closes. That’s why it is about time to find that much needed balance. Here is something which sounds really appealing because it combines quite a few benefits at the same time: heals your body and soul, lets you get immersed into Chinese culture and helps the environment. DRAGON BAGUA WORKSHOPS.


First , a short information what BAGUA is. Actually, full name – BAGUAZHANG - 八卦掌 - Bā Guà Zhǎng

It is one of 3 main CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS ( or Chinese boxing – whichever name you like more) . The exact translation is 八Bā – 8 , 卦 Guà – trigram, 掌Zhǎng – palm. The weird word ‘trigram’ stands for symbols which represent all natural phenomena ,according to the ancient Chinese book of divination – The Book of Changes ( Yi Jing – one of the canons of TAOISM). And ‘palm’ because this martial art requires the use of open palm. The creation of BAGUAZHANG is the merit of a man with quite some interesting background – Dong, Hai- Chuan ( if you want to find out more check out HERE

Today , Baguazhang has many different styles, but the basis of all of them is the ‘CIRCLE WALK – the practitioner walks around the circle, holding various static postures with the upper body, while executing palm changes. Just see the video to get the idea!

Now, we have really amazing opportunity to learn BA GUA in Shanghai as Joy Natividad – singer, choreographer and dancer – fell in love with this form of Martial Art back in 2007 and now wants to ‘share the movements, which are profitable for anyone who wants to achieve balance within body, soul and mind'. She has been studying it for 8 years now and says it is actually ‘more of a lifestyle’. When I asked her what is so special about Ba gua , she told me ‘The movements are powerful but soft and gentle at the same time. I have learned that through certain movements synchronized with our breathing , we can prevent and stop stagnation of Qi (life force energy) within our body, keeping the Qi flowing and to cultivate Qi. This is how we achieve balance, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.I still love performing but I decided that it’s time now to spend my time in healing and sharing Ba Gua skills with others'.


Taking part in Joy’s workshops will not only heal you BUT our planet as well! Here’s Joy’s idea:

‘As a spiritual person I want to give something back to the Divine, who has created this beautiful planet as an expression of her love. Yet, we are destroying it day by day. I want to change that, being more committed to our community and environment and help giving her – Mother Earth – the trees back that we have taken away.

So part of the tuition of every students who will sign up, will be donated to the MILLION TREE PROJECT . 20 TREES WILL BE PLANTED WITH THE DONATION OF EACH PERSON.

By planting back trees, we are able to help balance our precious nature.

As this is a dying art form and as almost no woman is carrying Ba Gua, I have made it to my mission to spread this as much as possible, to women and men. This is also my way to honor and give my gratitude to my master'.


Joy is offering the classes mainly in Hengshan Park, as she received her training outside as well. Training outside is essential to be closer and have more awareness to nature. It helps us to be more sensitive and train our other senses.


Black Dragon Ba gua form: 24 classes


Donation to ‘million tree project’:

500 rmb from the tuition fee will be donated. 500rmb are equivalent to 20 trees.

Student will receive an official fapiao from the non-profit organization Roots & Shoots to proof that the donation is legit.

Contact : Wechat ID Njoy 1212

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