Recently I have been hearing a lot o complaints from girls that their skin got so much worse after coming to China.Or that they even suffer from some serious skin diseases. And this is really surprising, because in my case, my skin has never been better and actually it is much better now, that I am 32 than when I was younger.Maybe I am lucky, but I think this is much more thanks to the lifestyle I have and particularly what I eat. And although I have already written before about some of my DIY 'food for skin' secrets and recipes, I will give you a list here, that I think can be very useful. After all, last week when I introduced myself to my new students and told them I am 32, they shouted ' No! Impossible!You are lying! You are 25!' So, I think these things are working :)
My DOs

1. I drink A LOT OF LEMON WATER every day. Sometimes I add MINT LEAVES or CUCUMBER, sometimes other fruit.But basicaly it is and has always been LEMON.It is the first thing I do after waking up in the morning – I drink lemon water and take a capsule of SQUALENE.
Why? Lemon of course is a great source of vitamin C so lemon water reduces inflammation and the antioxidants in lemon help reduce blemishes and wrinkles and detoxify blood!And SQUALENE – natural ingredient derived from deep sea sharks' liver. We all have this ingredient in our bodies as it is our skin's principal liquid responsible for keeping it moisturized and young.However, after the age of 25 its level starts decreasing, that's why we need to find it outside – and there are two sources : SQUALENE CAPSULES from shark's liver and olive oil.


I just started doing it a month ago - both drinking it and also applying apple cider vinegar mixed with mineral water as toner. Apple cider vinegar kills bacteria and when it becomes digested makes your body alkaline. And if you apply apple cider on that horrible pimple that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, it will help you heal it quickly!
3. I eat A LOT of fruit - especially grapes, blueberries, dragon fruit and season fruit. PLUS! I make a fruit smoothie EVERY DAY, that ALWAYS contains AVOCADO WITH COCONUT OIL, FLAXSEED and kale or spinach leaves plus I add various combinations of : papaya, mango, aloe vera flesh,soursop, kiwi and now in fall also delicious persimmons. It is super tasty and acts like a mega vitamin bomb for your skin. All these fruits contain amazing vitamins and additionally persimmons and papaya contain beta-carotene that gives your skin beautiful color! And of course - avocado is the world's healthiest food with lots of vitamin E,which has the power to stimulate collagen production and improves skin's elasticity.
My secret is that I don't only eat this smoothie, but 3 TIMES A WEEK also apply it directly on my face and neckline ( of course after peeling it first).I keep it for about 20 minutes and then it feels super smooth and moisturized.

4.VEGETABLES – carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, radishes,beetroots – you need to provide your body with as big variety of 'colors' in food as possible. I love mixing veggies with fruit for juice – especially adding beetroot lot, as it detoxifies digestive system and is a great source of calcium , iron, vitamins A and C.

4. COCONUT OIL – I use it for cooking, in my smoothies and DIRECTLY on my skin as the night's moisturizer. No creams , under – eye creams – just pure coconut oil. I combine it with aloe vera gel actually. After cutting out flesh for my smoothie, there is still a lot of gel on the leave,so I will apply it on my face and neck after washing it, let it absorb and then use coconut oil.That's my miraculous night treatment. In the morning skin feels amazingly smooth. I also drink a glass of COCONUT WATER every day.On my way from work just grab the actual coconut or a can of coconut water.

5. I eat a lot of kinds of NUTS and mix them with dry fruit : macadamia, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts mixed with dry cranberries, blueberries and currants.I mix them all together in a ziplock bag and this my perfect snack.Nuts give you all the 'goodies' like fiber, protein,minerals and antioxidants,among many many others.

I never really liked things which are too sweet, but obviously I love chocoalte.Who doesn't!? However, I choose DARK CHOCOLATE – it contains antioxidants called flavonols, which help skin protect itself from sun damage and increase blood flow so the result is beautiful color of your skin!

7. FISH – especially salmon
I LOVE fish. Especially in the summer when it is super hot and I am too lazy to cook, I just eat a lot of cold, smoked salmon. But not only then.I generally eat salmon a few times a week.Salmon is full of omega – 3 fats and carotenoid antioxidants which also give you healthy glow!

8. I use natural cosmetics, and the brand I have been using for a year now is LALU – NATURAL COSMETICS.They are all based on natural oils, butters and vitamins and my skin loves them. The only 'non – natural' thing I apply is SPF 50. I use it ALL YEAR ROUND during daytime, no matter sun or clouds.

9.I always use OLIVE OIL to remove make up – it is the best make up remover ever and at the same time it conatins omega 3 and squalene I mentioned before.

I am very busy but I still try to exercise at least 15 - 20 minutes EVERY DAY. Any kind of exercise improves your blood circulation and the blood flow not only provides oxygen, but also helps carry away waste products from working cells. That will make your skin really healthy and vibrant!

1.I don't smoke AT ALL. I tried once when I was 17 , just like everyone else for sure, but have never come back to it ever since. I know it is strong addiction and now that you are young you might think it is bu&*#t. However, if you want to have glowing, young, healthy skin for a loooong time, just do NOT smoke.End of discussion.Just DON'T.

2.I don't use make up foundation or powder.Not during the day or night. If you have to use something, then probably better go for the BB creams.
3. I don't eat streetfood. I know it can taste good, but why do you think it is so cheap? They don't use coconut oil for frying it and as you know, the vendors always prepare it right by street, so all the fumes fall exactly on it.
4.I try not to drink...too much. Of course I do now and then , but my recolution for this year is that I really try to limit the amount of alcohol and sometimes go for complete detox and challenge myself to have a month without even a beer.
I know that after reading this you might think – 'WOW – that sounds difficult' but to tell you the truth – it is not! I don't like diets and don't have time to count calories. If you make it lifestyle, after a while it will be just natural for you. And after 3 months ( because that's how long you usually need – whether it is new workout regime or diet) you will see the results and you will want to keep them! Remember - the REAL beauty DOES come from inside!